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Early Bird Reminder: EAA Seminar "Validation of Technical Provisions under SII – An Actuarial Perspective" on 4/5 December 2017 in Budapest

Solvency II has come into force with the beginning of last year. Beneath calculation and reporting issues, Solvency II requires that a validation of the Technical Provisions has to be performed and adequately documented by each legal entity. Do ...  »


Do not miss the upcoming Early Bird registration deadlines

Please remember, that the early-bird registration deadlines for two of our upcoming events are approaching very fast: EAA Forum: " Business Simulation Game on Risk and Capital Management under Solvency II" on 13/14 November 2017 in Copenhag...  »


EAA Seminar "Validation of Technical Provisions under SII – An Actuarial Perspective" on 4/5 December 2017 in Budapest

Solvency II has come into force with the beginning of last year. It has introduced several new tasks for actuaries in the insurance industry and different responsibilities received a stronger formal framework. One major task is the validation of mod...  »