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International News

News - 12/12/2019

The International Actuarial Association Releases ISAP 4 on IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts

The International Actuarial Association Releases ISAP 4 on IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts   The International Actuarial Association (IAA) is pleased to announce the publication of the International Standard of Actuarial Practice 4 (ISAP 4) o...  »

News - 05/12/2019

Afir_ERM Webinar- The Human Side of ERM

Afir_ERM Webinar- The Human Side of ERM

News - 19/11/2019


CALL FOR PAPERS DEADLINE EXTENDED! NOVEMBER 30, 2019  Individual choices facing societal challenges is the key-focus of this call for papers. AFIR-ERM, ASTIN, LIFE, IACA and PBSS   Section Members, the internationa...  »

News - 15/11/2019

New deadline for submission to Journal of Decisions in Economics and Finance

The new closing date for submissions is 31st January 2020. We remember that Papers must not exceed a length of 12 pages

News - 02/07/2019

New issue of The European Actuary magazine

Nuovo numero del "The European Actuary magazine" con interessanti articoli che fanno anche riferimento all'ultimo Congresso Europeo degli Attuari che si è tenuto a Lisbona a inizio giugno. Italia ancora presente e in prima linea con un articolo ...  »

News - 20/06/2019

Journal Decisions in Economics and Finance

  Dear speakers of the AFIR/ERM Colloquium, the Journal Decisions in Economics and Finance, edited by Springer, will publish a special issue devoted to the Colloquium works. If you wish to submit your paper for being taken into considera...  »

News - 11/03/2019

European Actuary magazine

Di seguito si riporta il link per scaricare la rivista European Actuary magazine nella quale potete trovare un articolo di Giampaolo Crenca su XII congresso Nazionale degli Attuari. "The new issue of The European Actuary (Number 19 - March 2019) ...  »

News - 14/02/2019

First Actuarial Analysis of Pakistan’s Sehat Sahulat Programme (SSP)

Webinar: First Actuarial Analysis of Pakistan's Sehat Sahulat Programme (SSP) Join us on Wednesday 27th February 10h00 GMT/15h00 Islamabad time Duration: 1 hour Registration is now open! Abstrat

News - 13/02/2019

ASTIN Section Webinars: Microinsurance challenges from an actuarial perspective

Microinsurance challenges from an actuarial perspective   Registration is now open!   Join us on March 14th, 2019 9:00 AM EST Abstract:   As an extension of microfinance, microinsurance emerges as inclusive a...  »

News - 08/02/2019

International AFIR-ERM Colloquium 2019 2nd Announcement

ISOA (Istituto Italiano degli Attuari and Ordine degli Attuari) and the AFIR-ERM Section of the International Actuarial Association (IAA), are very pleased to renew the invitation to attend the International AFIR-ERM Colloquium 2...  »

News - 16/01/2019

Big data: Challenges and Opportunities for the Life Insurance Industry

Big data:  Challenges and Opportunities for the Life Insurance Industry   Registration is now open! Click here to register   Join us on February 26, 2019 7:00 AM Pacific /10:00 AM EST Click here for your own time...  »