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EAA Seminar "Statistical Methods for Insurance in the Light of Big Data" on 13/14 June 2016 in Vienna

Dear Sir or Madam The rapidly progressing digitalisation leads to enormous amounts of data which can be used to enhance the core processes of the insurance industry. An important precondition to derive the right decisions from the data is to inc...  »


Early Bird Reminder: EAA Seminar "Understanding IFRS 4, Phase II" on 19/20 May 2016 in Budapest

Dear Sir or Madam Please remember, that the early-bird registration deadline for the EAA seminar "Understanding IFRS 4, Phase II" on 19/20 May 2016 in Budapest, Hungary is approaching. The registration fee of € 790.00 plus 27 % VAT is only v...  »


Newsletter on CERA

    This short update shall keep you informed about the upcoming CERA seminars 2016 organised by the EAA as well as the international exam dates and sites.   Seminar Modules Run 2016/2017 ...  »