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Insurance topics webinar flyer 15 09 2020Feed RSS

News - 10/07/2020

The AAE will be organising a webinar on the topic of 'Update on Insurance Topics' on Tuesday 15 September 2020 from 11.00-13.00 CET.

In the attachment you will find all information on the programme, speakers and additional practical and technical information.

Registration is now open. Please note that registration closes on 30 August 2020 cob.

Kindly also note that if you register for the webinar it is mandatory to attend the test session scheduled for 2 September 2020 from 11.30 - 12.00 CET.

All information (including the link to the registration) can also be found on the AAE Website following this  link.

Please share this information with the members of your association.

Insurance topics webinar flyer 15 09 2020