International News
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Health Assessments - Dr Do-A-Little or Dr
Please join us on May 2nd 2017, 11am - 12:30am Eastern
Time, 4pm - 5:30pm London time, for our next webinar:
Health Assessments (or "Screening") are offered by companies to
their employe...
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Please note that you must be a LIFE section member in order to
participate in this webinar. If you would like to join, the cost is
$50 CAD and you can join here.
to young actuaries and other professionals from two e...
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To: AAE Pensions Committee, IORP Stress Test working group
Falco has requested me to send you attached invitation to the
kick-off of the EIOPA Stress Test for pension funds.
If you wish to attend, please registerbefore 5 May 2017follow...
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IAALS Colloquium in Barcellona, Spain 23 - 24 october 2017 - Call for Papers
Flyer - IAALS Colloquium - Barcelona 2017
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E' uscito un importante articolo sulla rivista dell'AAE
sul tema della funzione attuariale (clicca
qui per scaricare l'articolo). Si tratta di un altro tassello
nel lavoro che stiamo facendo a livello internazionale dove stiamo
cercando di riposizi...
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We will be holding a webinar for Council Delegates onWednesday
April 5, 2017. The purpose of the webinar is to preview
certain topics that we will discuss at our in-person Council
meeting in Budapest.
The April 5 webinar wil...