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International News

News - 15/04/2020

: EAA Webinar "Novel Coronavirus – The Impact on Life Insurance Mortality and Underwriting, and Related Modelling Challenges"

Dear, Do you want to get an overview of the modelling challenges related to the Corona pandemic and to discuss its impact on the insurance industry? If yes, we invite you to join our webinar "Novel Coronavirus - The Impact on Life Insurance Mo...  »

News - 07/04/2020

Call for abstracts OICA online conference, deadline April 13th, 2020

Dear Colleagues and Friends, We organise at the end of the month (April 28-29, 2020) an online conference in actuarial science, data science and finance. Abstract submission deadline : April 13th, 2020. Scientific committee : Hansjo...  »

News - 04/04/2020

XIII National Italian Actuarial Congress

Due to the coronavirus and the health emergency, the XIII National Italian Actuarial Congress was moved from 3 to 5 november 2020, Milan. Milan Marriott Hotel - Via Washington 66, without prejudice to the rest.