
Newsletter on EAA Web Sessions - Benefit from our Early
Bird Rates
Book now and save money!
Benefit from discounts for many EAA web sessions taking place in
autumn 2022 with early bird rates in August and September 2022.
These online trainings cover topics such as
- Longevity,
- IFRS 17,
- Non-Life Pricing,
- Actuarial Reserving Models,
- Whistleblowing and
- Enterprise Risk Management.
Furthermore, you are invited to visit our website for all
published online trainings

Web Session: "Dependence Between Longevity and Financial
Risks" on 4 October 2022, 9:30-12:45 CEST
The purpose of this web session is to revisit the valuation of
some life insurance products in a financial and longevity
stochastic environment with potential correlation between these two
risks. We will start from the very basic actuarial formula and
present first our analysis using a simple bivariate correlated
binomial model. Then, we will extend the modelization, using
continuous time stochastic processes for interest rates, risky
returns of investment funds and mortality intensities. Our goal is
to measure the effect of eventual correlation insurance - finance
on the valuation of life insurance contracts.
Your early-bird registration fee is € 150.00 plus
19% VAT until 23 August 2022. After this date, the
fee will be € 205.00 plus 19% VAT.
further details
Web Session: "IFRS 17: Scope and Unit of Account" on 5
October 2022, 9:00-12:15 CEST
As first step in applying IFRSs to contracts which potentially
might qualify to be in the scope of IFRS 17, it is necessary to
identify the potential unit of account under IFRS 17, as referred
to as "contract" under IFRS 17, which is the basis of considering
whether it is within the scope of IFRS 17. We will discuss the
considerations to be made in identifying the unit of account,
starting from the legal contract, the need to combine legal
contracts or separate components of a legal contract to achieve a
unit which is in line with substance over form. Further we will
discuss the exclusion of non-substantive rights or obligations,
i.e. cash flows outside the current contract boundary. On that
basis, the scope definition of an insurance contract and other
contracts within the scope of IFRS 17, as well the scope exclusions
are applied.
Your early-bird registration fee is € 150.00 plus
19% VAT until 24 August 2022. After this date, the
fee will be € 205.00 plus 19% VAT.
further details
EAA Web Session: "Non-Life Pricing Using Statistical
Techniques with R Applications" on 10-13 October 2022,
9:00-12:30 CEST
Non-Life insurance is facing many challenges ranging from fierce
competition on the market or evolution in the distribution channel
used by the consumers to evolution of the regulatory environment.
Pricing is the central link between solvency, profitability and
market shares (volume).
The aim of this web session is to present some advanced
actuarial/statistical techniques used in non-life pricing or
underwriting. The web session focuses on selected practical
problems faced by pricing actuaries and product managers.
Your early-bird registration fee is € 650.00 plus
19% VAT until 29 August 2022. After this date, the
fee will be € 845.00 plus 19% VAT.
further details
Web Session: "Macro-Level Actuarial Reserving Models" on
20/21 October 2022, 9:00-17:00 & 9:00-12:30 CEST
Over time, the understanding of all the assumptions behind the
typically used reserving models can have grown a bit stale, and
more recent developments might not have percolated all the way to
the day-to-day practice. This web session will help the
participants to overcome this.
The most widely used deterministic macro-level models, such as the
Chain Ladder and the Bornhuetter-Ferguson model, will be discussed
in full detail during this web session, but also stochastic
macro-level models, such as the OverDispersed Poisson model or ODP
model for example, will be covered. This entails a proper freshing
up of the underlying assumptions and how the model is estimated,
but also checks on determining if the chosen model is appropriate
for the data at hand, and under which circumstances one should go
for one type of macro-level model or the other.
In this web training a detailed overview is provided of the
aforementioned models and during the practical sessions, R code is
provided on how to implement most of the discussed topics, hereby
rendering the participants completely autonomous after the
Your early-bird registration fee is € 450.00 plus
19% VAT until 8 September 2022. After this date,
the fee will be € 585.00 plus 19% VAT.
further details
Web Session: "Whistleblowing - Practical Education for
Actuaries" on 24 October 2022, 9:30-17:00 CEST
The purpose of this web session is to prepare actuaries for
situations where they might need to speak up or blow the
A natural part of professional actuarial work is dealing with
conflicts and dilemmas. The web session is a mixture of theory,
practical examples and lessons from others who have blown the
The web session will include breakout sessions to discuss
materials covered and to enable participants to share their own
Your early-bird registration fee is € 300.00 plus
19% VAT until 12 September 2022. After this date,
the fee will be € 400.00 plus 19% VAT.
further details
Web Session: "Implementation of an Efficient
ERMF-Process" on 26/27 October 2022, 9:00-17:00 CEST
The learning objectives of this course are:
- Match the changed environment to risk
management frameworks including policies, activities and
- Understand the concept of change modes
(going concern - crisis, and states in between) and corresponding
actions (risk management, operational resilience)
- Learn about opportunities to enhance the
effectiveness and efficiency of an Enterprise Risk Management
- Gain insight in a company's culture and
the levers for changing a culture
Your early-bird registration fee is € 600.00
plus 19% VAT until 14 September 2022. After this
date, the fee will be €780.00 plus 19% VAT.
further details