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EAA Web Session "Understanding IFRS 17" on 1/2 December 2021

The goal of this two-day web session is to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to the new measurement, presentation and disclosure guidance for insurance contracts. It will cover life, health and non-life business, including the special guidance on direct participating contracts and shorter term non-life contracts and give useful examples.

Are you interested? If yes, we invite you to benefit from the early bird tariff and to join theEAA Web Session: "Understanding IFRS 17" on 1/2 December 2021 | 9:00-16:20 CET. Yourearly-bird registration fee is € 600.00 plus 19% VAT for registrations by 20 October 2021. After this date, the fee will be € 780.00 plus 19% VAT.

In the web session, we will first shed a light on the context of accounting for insurance contracts within the IFRS 17 framework. We will present and discuss the general concepts behind the new model and refer to the application of valuation models like the Variable Fee Approach (VFA) and the Premium Allocation Approach (PAA). The web session will proceed with a discussion of topics specific to individual lines of business (highlighting topics still under discussion) and summarize potential approaches and solutions. We will close with an overview of methodical hot topics relevant for technical implementation seen in various European markets, share emerging market views and discuss these with the participants.
Overall, the goal is to enable participants to understand the standard and help transferring the requirements into your specific situation. It is thus intended to prepare participants for model development, implementation, testing, reviewing and consulting with management, accounting and auditors.

Please find all additional information in this print version and on our website. An overview on other upcoming events can be downloaded as well.