Corsi di Formazione
29th International Summer School of the Swiss
Association of Actuaries (2016)
Topic:Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and
Scientific directors: Paul Embrecht(ETHZ), Rüdiger
Frey (...
Dear Sir or Madam
Financial Markets set a very challenging scene for the insurance
and pension providers. Organisations sometimes have to decrease
ambitions or profit sharing. Modern asset management should help to
achieve the set targets. There...
Dear Sir or
The upcoming Solvency II regulations imply significant changes in
the risk management of insurance companies.
To support you and your company with the necessary conversions, we
are offering the EAA Seminar "Modelling and Va...
Dear Sir or Madam
After almost 20 years of debates, outreach and exposure drafts,
the IASB has finally come to agree on a standard for insurance
contracts. The new standard "IFRS 4, Phase II" will fundamentally
change the way insurance companies...
Si allega la
brochure della sesta edizione di EMIF che inizierà il 17 marzo
Dear Sir or Madam,
The European Actuarial Academy is one of the main providers of
actuarial education - especially when it comes to Enterprise Risk
Management (ERM). The concept of ERM has gained significant
momentum in the insurance industry an...
Preparare strategicamente
l'esame di Stato per la professione di Attuario
Giovedì 29 Ottobre 2015, ore 17-18
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Edificio G, aula G 50 (3° p.)
Viale Regina Elena, 295
Il volume, di Rosa Maria Lacquan...
Dear Sir or Madam
In the framework of health insurance, we find traditional products
like personal accident insurance, or sickness insurance. But more
recently, new health insurance products have been proposed.
With the aim to provide you wit...
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please note that the early-bird registration deadline for the EAA
seminar "European Product Development" on 23/24 November 2015 in
Munich is coming up soon! Only until 11 October 2015 you have the
chance to profit from our spe...
Dear Sir or Madam,
This is a friendly reminder for our early-bird registration
deadline for the EAA seminar "Non-Life Pricing: Introduction to
Practical Implementation of Modern Techniques in R" in Paris on
26/27 November 2015.
The registrat...
The agenda and papers for all Committees at the
forthcoming Annual Meeting in Bucharest (24-25 September) are now
available to download via the corresponding link on the members-only page of the AAE web
site. Any missing papers will be added a...
Dear Sir or Madam,
Lifelong learning and regular CPD is a very important topic for
actuaries. The European Actuarial Academy is the knowledge center
for actuaries in Europe and wants to give updates on hot topics on
a regular basis. Therefore, w...
Dear Sir or Madam,
We would like to draw your attention to the new EAA seminar
"Non-Life Pricing: Introduction to Practical Implementation
of Modern Techniques in R"on 26/27 November 2015
inParis.The aim of this seminar is to present the
Dear Sir or Madam
Please note, that the early-bird registration deadline for the EAA
Seminar "New Life Products in a Low Interest World" on 15/16
October 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic is coming up.
The early-bird registration fee is €
Dear Sir or Madam
With the aim to offer a communication platform for European risk
managers and CERA, as well as to present new topics and solutions
to a broad audience, we offer the
1st EAA Risk Management Summit on
29 October 2015 in Frankfu...
Dear Sir or Madam
In cooperation with the Schweizerische Aktuarvereinigung, the
EAA is offering the seminar "How to Set Up an Effective
ORSA Process? - A Case Study for the Standard Formula" on 8/9
October 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland, again.
Dear Sir or Madam
Please remember that the early-bird registration deadline for
the seminar "Stochastic
Modeling - Theory and Reality from an Actuarial
Perspective", taking place from 21 - 23 September 2015 in Brussels,
Belgium, is approaching.
Dear Sir or Madam
Credibility is nowadays not only an indispensable actuarial
technique for non-life and life, direct and re-insurance, but it is
also applied more and more in the broader field of finance. It has
a huge range of applications such...
Dear ASTIN Section members,
On Tuesday, June 30th, a webinar will be presented to members on
"Solvency II - Regulation written for Actuaries?" The introduction
of Solvency II has been one of the biggest changes in insurance
regulation we have eve...
Dear Sir or Madam
Because of the great success in the past, the EAA will again
offer a seminar based on the book "Stochastic Modeling - Theory and
Reality from an Actuarial Perspective" (© 2010 International
Actuarial Association) from 21 - 23 Se...
Dear Sir or Madam
Solvency II comes into affect soon. Some current developments
with respect to the Actuarial Function are:
The guideline on the valuation of technical provisions
(EIOPA-BoS-14/166) was published on 2 February 2015 and shall a...
Dear Sir or Madam
As Solvency II will apply starting from 1/1/2016, all insurers
require to prepare for the upcoming tasks. Since 2014 the so called
Solvency II preparatory phase is in force, guided by a number of
preparatory guidelines issued by...
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please note, that the early-bird registration deadline for the
EAA seminar "Modelling and
Validating Mortality under Solvency II" on 28/29 May 2015 in
Stockholm, Sweden is coming up.
This seminar, held in in co-operation wit...
Dear Sir or Madam,
The upcoming Solvency II regulations imply significant changes
in the risk management of insurance companies.
To support you and your company with the necessary conversions,
we are organising the new EAA Seminar "Modelling an...
The AAE will organise its first webinar on Friday 17
April 2015 from 11:00 - 12:30 CET.
The subject for this webinar will be the current status of
Solvency II:
"Solvency II: where are we now - where are we
The presentations will be ...
Dear Sir or Madam Please
note, that the early-bird registration deadline for the EAA
seminar "Solvency II for Non-Life
Actuaries" on 21/22 April 2015 in Dublin, Ireland is coming
The early-bird
registration fee is € 790.00 plus 23 % VAT a...
28th International Summer School (2015)
Topic: Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical
Aspects Scientific Directors: Hansjörg Albrecher, U. of Lausanne,
Jan Beirlant, KU Leuven, Jef Teugels, KU Leuven
The web site ( has been updat...
Dear Sir or Madam
Operational Risk is mostly seen as less significant. The
attention in the Solvency II-regulations is not particularly high,
if the relevance of the capital requirements for an effective risk
management is concerned. The banking ...
Dear Sir or Madam Please note that the first CERA seminar dates
2015 are coming up. The next run of the EAA CERA
training programme will start in March 2015. The seminars will
all take place in Cologne,
Germany this year and are scheduled as follow...
09/01/2015L'UNISANNIO in collaborazione con l'Ordine degli Attuari,
nell'ambito del corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Statistiche e
Attuariali, ha organizzato un corso di professionalismo attuariale.
Di seguito il programma ed il relativo materiale didattic...