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New CERA Seminar Dates 2016 Published

Dear Sir or Madam, The European Actuarial Academy is one of the main providers of actuarial education - especially when it comes to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). The concept of ERM has gained significant momentum in the insurance industry an...  »


Preparare strategicamente l’esame di Stato per la professione di Attuario

Preparare strategicamente l'esame di Stato per la professione di Attuario Giovedì 29 Ottobre 2015, ore 17-18  Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche Edificio G, aula G 50 (3° p.) Viale Regina Elena, 295 Il volume, di Rosa Maria Lacquan...  »


EAA Seminar "Health Insurance: From the Actuarial Background to Product Development" on 14/15 December 2015 in Vienna

Dear Sir or Madam In the framework of health insurance, we find traditional products like personal accident insurance, or sickness insurance. But more recently, new health insurance products have been proposed. With the aim to provide you wit...  »


Early Bird Reminder: EAA Seminar "European Product Development” on 23/24 November 2015 in Munich, Germany

Dear Sir or Madam, Please note that the early-bird registration deadline for the EAA seminar "European Product Development" on 23/24 November 2015 in Munich is coming up soon! Only until 11 October 2015 you have the chance to profit from our spe...  »